Carers' Rights Event

Carers from across Surrey met at Dorking Halls on Wednesday 20th November to find out more about carers’ rights.
Professor Luke Clements joined carers to give an informative overview on carers’ rights. Luke is a professor of law and social justice at Leeds University and he’s hugely experienced in challenging social exclusion, particularly that experienced by carers and those they look after.
Luke outlined the rights of carers under The Care Act 2014 and highlighted some of the ways these rights have been ignored by various agencies.
Carers were given practical tips on the things they can do to secure their rights and introduced to the ways they can challenge any agencies which might not be upholding the law.
Information, coffee and networking
Aside from the lecture carers enjoyed teas and coffee and chatted to other carers as well as representatives from Surrey County
Council, the NHS and our own team. They came away with a comprehensive booklet which contained important information from the lecture.